Advantage and disadvantage of Android OS - Walking Techie Android

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Advantage and disadvantage of Android OS

I will tell you advantage and disadvantage of Android Operating system. We will analyse the Android device on various factors.

Advantage of Android Operating System

We will discuss about advantage of android.

Android Google Developer:

Android Operating system is owned by Google, Google has developed this OS. Google is most trusted and reputed product on the internet. The name of Google provides lots of trust to users to buy Android OS based device.


A lot of application is available in Google play store. Most of the application available is Google play store id free of cost. Android Users- Billion of users.

Android is most used mobile OS in the world. Android is used by all kind of people and it is most fast growing operating system. Billion of user using this OS based device.

Android Multitasking

Android supports multitasking. We all of us love to do more than one task at a time. User can open several applications at once and manage. Android has many great UI which is easy to understand for user.

Android Widget

Android operating system has plenty of widgets. This widget makes the user experience much better and helps in doing multitasking.

You can add any widget depending upon the feature you want on your home screen. You can see notifications, messages, and much more use without even opening applications.

Support 2D, 3D Graphics

It supports both 2D and 3D graphics, so it provide better experience in video and in games.

Support multiple Language

Android supports most of the language used by end users.

Open Source Framework

It is open source, so it is free of cost. It provides user/developers to make their own applications according to their own requirement. As it is an open source operating system, we can use it easily and without cost in the equipments.

Disadvantage of Android Operating System

Battery Drain:

Android handset is considered as one of the most battery consuming operating systems. In the android operating system, there are plenty of process running in the background which results in the quick draining of the battery. It is hard to stop these applications as the majority of them are system applications.

Android Security:

Android handset is not considerd as safe compared to other operating system. Android device is easy to target by hackers. Everyday millions of attempts done by hackers to still personal information to steal personal information.

Android require Gmail ID:

All of know that android is Google property. Gmail Id is required to access the Android. Gmail Id is helpful to unlocking Android device when you forget password or pattern.


Most of the android application available in Google play stote is free of cost and mostly these all apps have AdMobs, so frequently ads comes on screens, cover the entire screen, and makes user irritate.

Slow Response:

Android apps is slower compared to IOS base APP , windows based APP. When we open same app in the IOS based device and windoes based OS device. We observe the slow response of the android when we open apps in the different platforms.

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